The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment (Maine Shared CHNA) invites you to participate in their statewide community survey to learn more about the health and well-being of people living in Maine. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. Once you complete the survey you can enter a ra?e to receive one of 10, $100 gift cards. You can take the survey via this link or through the QR code in the attached ?yer. A PDF version of the survey in all 8 languages is available at The survey will be open through June 28??.


The information you share will help the Maine Shared CHNA better understand the health and well-being of people living in Maine and their communities. The survey is part of a larger community health needs assessment which includes focus groups, interviews and data analysis. Results will be combined and used to inform a health and well-being prioritization process leading to the development of health improvement and strategic plans.


The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment is a collaborative of Central Maine Healthcare, MaineGeneral, MaineHealth, Northern Light Health, the MeCDC, and the Maine Community Action Partnership. For more information, contact: