Community Services
Our Community Services department offers a variety of services. Our nutrition services include a Child and Adult Care Food Program and a Summer Food Service Program. We also offer a Resource Advocacy Program, which is designed to help people find community resources to meet their specific needs. This might be a one-time referral or it could be in-depth case management.
Transportation Services
WCAP provides transportation services to residents of Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc counties as well as the communities of Brunswick and Harpswell through its MidCoast Public Transportation and MidCoast Connector Maine Care transportation programs. These services provide access for community members to medical services, work, shopping, social events and more.
Early Childhood
Waldo CAP Early Childhood Program serves children and families in the Waldo County. We work with children ages birth to five years old, as well as pregnant mothers. Services are delivered through a home visiting model, pre-k collaborations with area school districts, and our centers in Belfast and Searsport. All programming is provided at no cost to the recipients, though some programs have income guidelines.
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The Energy Services office may be able to provide support services to maintain your independent living. Please refer to the information below for an explanation of what programs we offer. These programs are targeted to low-income Waldo County homeowners and renters.
WCAP offers an array of services that could allow for major improvements to the health, safety, and comfort in your home. Please refer to the information below for an explanation of what programs we offer. These programs are targeted to Waldo County homeowners and/or renters with low incomes.
Community Partnerships
WCAP develops partnerships with other community organizations, involves low-income clients in the agency's operations, and administers a full range of coordinated programs designed to have a measurable impact on poverty.
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Your community needs you.

Our Promise
Community Action changes peoples lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America better place to live. We care about the entire communities and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.